what da blog?

Friday, September 30, 2005

Start spreadin' the newwwwwwwws.....

I leave for NYC tomorrow afternoon for a weeks break. I can't fucking wait! Ian gets there on Monday and i get to see him for 3 days. I also get to see my amazing friends Tara, Travis, Sarah, Daryl, Gurj, Jarvis, Josh and no doubt will meet loads more coolio cats while I'm out there.

I need this break so badly, need to see my boy and my friends and then i'll be happy again.

watch out ny, I'm comin....

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Just go there now - you'll spend a fortune

Johnny Cupcakes

cupcakes on t-shirts and whiskers on kittens....



I am now a proud owner of a Johnny Cupcakes t-shirt

Its Da Shizzle

next up on the list is....

So, this weeks bounty is on the head of......Tony Parsons - author of various novels including "About a Boy". He has a new book coming out called "Stories We Could Tell" about his life on the road with bands when he was a journalist blah blah blah and there is the most ANNOYING radio ad for the book. Its his voice and its just, i dunno. Let's put it this way, everytime i hear it i want to break stuff. I know Franny Babbs feels the same way as me - I'm not alone.

Make it stop. Who knows maybe the book is great! I wont be buying it because of that advert.

Speaking of books, I'm up to number 17 in GTO (great teacher onizuka). I need the rest. NOW.

bloodsimple and the tale of the ikea wardrobe

Its Wednesday , its raining and its almost 1am. I figured I should catch up on what has been going on the last few days. Yesterday I spent the day doing press with avenged sevenfold and bloodsimple which was fun, they played the Astoria last night and both bands ROCKED the house. My ears are still ringing

today I had a relatively busy day at work - lots of little things too do that were time consuming. im so tired I feel like im in a bit of a coma writing this. Finished work and then took bloodsimple (go check them out if you can - www.bloodsimple.com - they're amazing) for a curry in the west end which was really nice. I love that band and have so much time for them. Lovely lovely peeps. Then Stu and I came back to my flat and he helped me put together my remaining wardrobe that I bought at ikea a few weeks back, it looks great and I sorted out all our clothes! wooooo wheeee!

im going to meet up with a few of the guys from bloodsimple in new york next week, the countdown has begun big time, its almost Thursday (well it is already I guess.....)

the mogadons (milo and nizzle) are passed out on the bed next to me, I have mogadons not mastodons!!!

time to hit the hay

Monday, September 26, 2005

Attack of the Killer Bees

oh ok, so they were wasps dammit. We had a big wasps nest in the eves of our apartment - fucking things kept coming in and im allergic to them so i was obviously freaking out. I've not been able to sleep properly cos i keep thinking they're going to attack me.

the exterminators came today and shoved a great big thing up there and blasted them with this white shit! they should all be dead by now! weeeeeee

i spent the afternoon with Avenged Sevenfold and bloodsimple - what a nice bunch of people. Good Times - roll on the show tomorrow!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I HATE you , Tomorrow, you're only a day awaaaaayyyy...

i dont want Gurj to go. I'm going to be very very lonely without her.

Oh gawwwwd

so i went to ikea yesterday and Sandi bought me a bag of mini dime bars... or Daim as they're called in sveeeden.

I'm addicted. i have to put them away - ive eaten 15 of them today!!!

We Come To Take Over

Go here right now
and watch the Skindred video for Nobody - its the shizznit

A Busy Day

Today has been pretty full on. I woke up at 6am and called Ian in Texas. Hes on tour with the Decemberists and should have been in Houston today...thankfully, they're in Austin instead. It seems like Miss Rita wasn't as crazy as expected which is a good thing but yet another set back for Nawlins...I feel so sad for the people of that city.

I went to Ikea with corn and sandi and we managed to spend money on things we really didnt need. I got some cool plants and some plates! ahaha. then off to the west end to meet up with Gurj and Franny. It was like the last supper. We went for Nandos in soho which was great and then hit the mighty St. Arbucks for Frappucinos - awwww yeah. I made a new friend in there today, he was from South Korea and had been living in the Uk with his wife for 3 months. he said that he liked living here very much and his wife was enjoying the "Kategate" fiasco and he loved Eastenders...i laughed so much.....and theeeeen....and then parted our ways....boooooo hooooo hooo. tried to hold it together but cried all the way to kentish town

where...i had to do some press with Skindred. They're a fun bunch of guys so it was cool to spend the afternoon with them
They happen to be huge fans of MC Chris who the gmeister is good friends with. Its a small world.

After the show i went to corn and sand's house and we ate a shit load of curry and started watching a movie, i promptly fell asleep so decided to drive home... and now i'm wide awake. Ho Hum...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Queer Eye and Cupcakes

Queer Eye For The Straight Guy is possibly one of the best television shows ever. It never fails to make me laugh or want to have a makeover. And the biggest Loser is great too. i want to apply for the Uk version. i know id kick ass and lose like 40 pounds.
my picture blogger thing aint working. its very annoying

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I fucking hate Keira Knightley. I just don't know what it is about her. Actually I do. She's fucking annoying.

Put her head on the chopping block and chop it off.

Yes she's very beautiful blah blah but she's just so fake. Make your fucking mind up if you're posh or not for god's sake.

I went to see Pride and prejudice last night just to give her the benefit of the doubt and she's just SO ANOOYYYINNNGGG.

The cool thing is that my boss Andy's wife went to school with the REAL Domino Harvey. Apparently she died of a drugs overdose not that long ago. Oh how topical.


Rant over. Good Day.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


so this is the g meister and myself. We were hanging out in trendy scenester Shoreditch after the kerrap awards..Oh sorry did I say that out loud? Yes they were shit.

Gurj is moving back to good ol NYC on Tuesday and I just don't know what I'm going to do without her. At least I'll see her when I'm there but its not the same just having her here you know. I'm so glad that I've got to know Fran Babbs so well over the last few months so at least we won't be alone when our friend abandons us for better things. = )

Today has been spent making calls to magazines about Avenged Sevenfold and Skindred. Both of those bands are touring the UK and I have press for them to do which is cool I guess. Its a fucking thankless task but we do it anyway. I dunno. Sometimes I wonder why I bother. I'd make more money and have less stress working in St.Arbucks.....

Monday, September 19, 2005


Gurj's blog is the best thing ever. I need to write on this thing more often to make it fun. Like and online diary kinda thing.

I came home early from work today as i had the wwh - worlds worst headache - i threw up it was so bad. : ( gross

I'm now lying on the couch in the dark other than this thing and im just chillin. I have quite a bit on this week - dinner with my friend Joel on wednesday night and then gotta see the G meister as much as possible before she abandons me for those nyc types. I have Skindred shows on saturday and sunday and then Avenged Sevenfold on Monday/Tuesday. Phew. Then on the 1st OCt i will be on my way to NYC myself for a week! wooooo weeeeee

Ian has been away for just over a week now and i miss him so very much. I'm sad