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Monday, October 31, 2005


The monkey is home!!!!!!!

i am so happy!!!!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Notebook

I've just watched possibly the saddest film I've ever seen. Its called The Notebook and it stars Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. Heartbreaking, sweet, romantic and just so incredibly sad. It just makes you realize that when you've got something so amazingly wonderful - don't fuck it up or take it for granted. Who knows how long we're going to be around for.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Amazing! I just watched the full series of Return to Eden on DVD. 6 hours of trash, 80's haircuts, bad fashion and terrible story lines. I watched a few episodes when i was a kid with my mum and have now finally seen the whole thing!! ha ha ha ha

It gives new meaning to "lazy sunday afternoon"

oh, and I've eaten about 20 mini dime bars, some homemade popcorn and some sugar puffs - woo hooo!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

love and hate

things i love.


Mash potato

Chicken Katsu Curry


rich tea biscuits

he is legend

gyoza from wagamama

the fact my friend Rarz now works at WB - yee haw!

the fact that my friend Leander got a job at Velocity PR - Woooh!

Nizzle and Milo

Things I hate:

Ian being away

Ian being away

Ian being away

Ian being away





Tuesday, October 18, 2005

stuupid head

this picture made me laugh so much.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Missing Ian

2 weeks to go until my boyfriend gets back from the US. Hes been away for 5 weeks and i have to admit that I'm really NOT enjoying him being away.

He's not been in touch much so that makes it even harder. He has been really busy - fucking SUCKS

I feel like when he comes home its not going to be good enough. I dunno. I know he hated being home last time and couldnt wait to go out again. Feeling a bit redundant i guess

never mind....

Saturday, October 15, 2005

R.I.P Joe Van Duyts

Its the 2 year anniversary of my Dad passing away today. I sent my mum flowers this morning and called her for a chat. She was really sad today. We all are. I miss him everyday and i know that its So hard for my Mum. Losing your Dad is bad enough but losing your husband is a whole other thing alltogether. its a different kind of love. I wish i could be with her now

My sister, Kim and brother in law, Dave and i decided that we didn't want to spend today wallowing in sadness so we went to a local football match - something my dad would have liked to do. We entered a draw at the grounds to win half of whatever the raffle tickets collecteed and we WON!! £46! thanks Dad! ha ha ha

We went for a great curry in Pinner (a place we used to live when i was little) and walked around an old park my sister used to take me too. Apparently i used to run off into the trees to "talk" to my "friend" - The man in the tree... my sister Kim, just used to think i was a bit mad and had an imaginary friend but apparently some guy hung himself there...... spooky huh.... so we went back there. I havent been to that playground since i was 5 years old!! it was kind of odd...

He was such a wonderful man, always did what he wanted to do in life and always had a laugh. He'll live on in my heart and memories for the rest of my life.

i miss you Dad


Friday, October 14, 2005

Fucking "A"

Franny Babbs and I went to see the very very wonderful "A" this week. It was a really sad show for me as the band are going to be on hiatus for some time. Their record "Teen Dance Ordinance" is so brilliant and i just wish that better things could have happened for them. They're one of my favourite bands and I have to admit that I shed a few tears at the end of the show.

The guys in the band are some of the nicest people i have ever had the pleasure of knowing and well... they're just as the title of this post reads, "Fucking A"

Go here to watch some footage of the guys in action along with an amazing cover version of "Living In Paradise"

What a drag...

So, this is my beloved boyfriend Ian and some er... "ladies" that he met while on tour in the US with The Decemberists....

If any of my underwear goes missing....

Currently rocking my world

Firstly. I have to say that I am obsessed... OBSESSED with He Is Legend. The video for The Seduction is incredible. Go watch it here.

I'm also really into the DangerDoom record. Get that shit.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Guess who's back..

So my NYC adventure has come to an end. I haven't had access to a computer so its time for an update!
phew - where the fuck to start????

I guess from the beginning. When i landed i was so happy to see that Sarah, Daryl, Jessie and Josh came to get me - i felt rather special. We drove into Long Island and all went to a diner for some food and met up with Tara and Travis

it was a fun time - i miss those fools when they're not around.

Then i stayed at travs for the night and then on to Taras on sunday. Monday was a great day as i got to see my favourite person on the planet.
Ian Perkins
we got to spend a few lovely days together before he had to leave on tour again (he's touring with The Decemberists right now)

For the rest of the week i hung out with Tara, Sarah, Gurj, Travis, Daryl, Monique and Josh M - i love you all.

On Friday we had a birthday party for Tara (happy birthday lady!) i had so much fun and got to meet loads of new people. Tara, Sarah, Monique and I all made GORGEOUS yummy cupcakes and party bags for the shindig - it was boss.


here are some pictures from that night:

A fun time was had by all!

i was sad to leave but happy to get home to my mogadons!!!

thanks everyone for a great week - i had so much fun!