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Friday, January 20, 2006

There is a Whale in the Thames!!

yep, you read that correctly. There is a fucking Whale in the river thames!!! the experts think that he may be ill which is very sad. I went down to the river today and saw it which was pretty amazing. Our office is right by the Chelsea Embankment so i went down and had a look. He got slightly beached so someone got into the freezing cold river and helped to get him back in the right direction -he must have been so cold afterwards!! The whale is a Northern Bottlenose and should normally be in the north sea at this time of year.... global warming eh...

Our current obsession is Celebrity Big Brother. Various "celebs" are in the house this year - Dennis Rodman (basketball god), Traci Bingham (baywatch bint), Michael Barrymore (disgraced tv celeb), Preston from the Ordinary boys, Maggot from Goldie Lookin Chain, Rula Lenska (vetran actress), Jodie Marsh (page 3 slut), Pete Burns (you spin me right round baby), Faria whatshername (who sucked sven goran ericksons cock) and George Galloway the mp. and a non celebrity who is think as pigshit called Chantelle.

the nation is hooked, all anyone talks about is big brother, no one goes out because they are watching it and well, its fucking great. ian and i havent ever watched big brother before really. we just kinda watch a bit in passing but this one is incredible.
only one week left of arguing, bitching, cheating, and general backstabbing.... what will we watch then?... American idol???

Stuzzle came round last night - its always great to see him. I still think that he and Ian are gay lovers.....

And the GREAT news is that Ian and I are going to LA for my birthday!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! I get to see my wonderful friends out there - Linda, Micha, Carlos, Mark, Beki and Ian's aunt and uncle. Stu is watching the kids while we are away so thats coolio. eeeeeee i cant wait!!!

Oh, diet update - ive lost 4 pounds so far - 2 weeks so that aint bad - slow and steady wins the race.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

new pix

these are a couple of pix ive taken

the first was in Brighton a couple of month ago and the other was in New Jersey a few weeks back. i like em...

so i have a new hair cut and colour. I tried to dye it myself (see previous posts about hair... eh hem...) and well, it didnt work out so i went to my favourite Japanese hairdressers at Bazaar and they sorted it out! hahah it took 2 hours!

and here are some new pix of Nizzle and Milo. I can't believe Milo is nearly 2 years old! blimey!

i also just had lasek eye surgery. it was nuts!!! definatley the weirdest experience of my entire life. i had to sleep with these stupid like jock strap type things over my eyes. so weird. the tape sticks to your face so in the morning it hurts to pull it off and then you're left with all this sticky stuff on your face and you cant even wash your face properly... gross

my eyesight is improving all the time. hopefully by the end of the month things will be a lot better. its still blurry but i can see. its weird

Xmas with the Perkins Family. Always lovely. i love Ian's family so much.