what da blog?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

why do i bother...

i just spent 3 hours sorting out the blog below so it would all be set out nice and neatly and look at the fucking state of it. Bah! anyway - you get the idea....

LA Muthaeffas

ian and i just got back from the most fantastic holiday in the city of angels. We stayed with our amazing friend Linda and really did just have the best time ever.

we ate.

and we ate...

and, well, we ate....

i managed to put on 3 and a half pounds while we were there - we just didnt stop - but dammit, it was bloody marvellous.

it was my birthday while we were there and we spent the day at universal studios which was hilarious. We ate cotton candy, and nacho cheese popcorn and ran around like we were 5 years old.

we also got to hang out with Micha (bama) and Mark (Iindas fabulous brother) which was so great. Ian and i went to Linda's office for an hour or so while she had some work to do so Micha took us on a guided tour.... this was the result...

I also finally got to meet Carlos, Lindas boyfriend. Ian met him a few months back when he was on tour with The Decemberists. He is, well to put it lightly, AMAZING. We LOVE him and seeing Linda so happy is the best thing ever. Theyre the perfect couple, the compliment each other so well, like PB and J. He is a firefighter/ paramedic and had to work a few nights while we were there but made such an effort to hang out with us, it was so nice and so appreciated. He is a dude among men.

i have SO many pictures from our trip. Here are some other highlights!!

it was the best holiday I've ever had. it was great to see Fran over in sunny california for breakfast in 101 (amazing diner on franklin) i wish i could have seen more of her. thanks so much to linda, carlos, micha, mark, fran, michael and beki for making our trip so amazing.

Well there you go..... now we're back home and the weather is miserable. fun