what da blog?

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy 2006

Well this year is about me. its about getting myself fit and losing 3 stone of weight. thats about 40 pounds or so.

im joining slimming world on tuesday and im hoping along with changing my diet and going to the gym 3 times a week i will become healthier and slimmer this year. Im the only one who can do something about it. Its not goingto magically disappear.

So my blog will be my diet diary. Bear with me on this one, its something i really need to do.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

a very very fun day

My number one favourite brown girl came home for xmas and Ian, Franny Babbs and I got to spend the day with her. SO FUN. We're all such nerds.

Gurj bought us all these amazing Jesus and Mary watches - they are insane

We stuffed our faces with Sushi and laughter and then roamed around london for a while tryiing to find presents for Rosie - ian's god-daughter (isnt she adorable?)

Here are some other pix from the day of fun

Sunday, December 18, 2005

I'm going to tell you a secret...

So when I was younger, I was, as many of us were...Obsessed with Vanilla Ice
I had posters of him all over my bedroom, I had all the 12"s all the CD's, live albums etc etc. I also, to my shame had the "fade". I definitely helped with the depletion of the ozone layer with the amount of fucking hairspray I used on that thing.

So anyway. I tried to peroxide my fringe, so that I would also have the blonde bit at the front, but didn't realize (hey, I was like 13 at the time) that you needed the powder stuff to mix the hydrogen peroxide with, so I just dipped my hair in it and waited.
and waited...And waited. Of course it didn't work so I washed it all out and was getting very frustrated.

And. We had a golden cocker spaniel named Chica (rip god bless her) and well, she was blonde. And some of her fur was kinda long. So I got this harebrained idea that I could cut off some of her fur and stick it with hairspray to my fade and it would have the desired effect. Of course it looked so bad and fell off within a couple of hours and my mum went mental.

it was funny though

I thought I'd share that...